Saturday, May 2, 2020

Answers for this Week's Morning Challenges


1 - Lima
2 - Oslo
3 - Naples
4 - Eucalyptus
5 - Los Angeles
6 - Panama Canal
7 - Luxembourg
8 - Austria
9 - Nepal
10 - Egypt


1 -  The next letter in the sequence would be N to represent November.
2 - The next letter in the sequence would be N to represent nine.
3 - A sponge is full of holes but still holds water.
4 - You can't hold your breath for more than a few minutes.
5 - The name of the fourth child was Johnny.



What word connects the three words in each group?
Example: aid ~ head ~ rock = band  (bandaid, headband, rock band)
  1. mate ~ class ~ bath                  ROOM
  2. chocolate ~ maid ~ carton       MILK
  3. sea ~ egg ~ turtle                       SHELL
  4. swing ~ spare ~ track                 TIRE
  5. bell ~ mat ~ knob                      DOOR
  6. sweat ~ tail ~ polo                      SHIRT
  7. house ~ fire ~ flash                     LIGHT
  8. bed ~ computer ~ bite               BUG

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