Friday, September 30, 2011

4V - Mealworm Experiments

Today was the day! In conjunction with our habitats and communities unit, 4V spent some time observing the preferences of mealworms. We hypothesized together - would the mealworms prefer a dark or light environment? Would they choose a wet or dry environment? Turns out that the majority of the mealworms liked their environment dark and dry!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Burying the Clay Potsherds

4S digs a hole on the school grounds to bury their clay potsherds. Potsherds are broken pieces of pottery used to write on. They were used the same way as people use scrap paper today. They were very useful for students to practice their writing. In Palestine, there were many potsherds becasue the streeets were littered with broken pottery. Next week 4V will also dig a hole and do the same.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wasps at Surrey Christian School

Sep. 26, 2011 An Exciting Morning at SCS

Last week people in my class and in other classes kept getting stung by wasps. Ben got stung in the leg four times. Caitlyn got stung in the leg two times, plus Steven’s hand got stung and it swelled very badly! There was this boy in the other class. He got stung five times in the back! Finally the teachers found the nest (an underground nest) in the forest. Mr. Nategaal called the Honey Bee Centre. Leanne came to our school and sucked out all the bees with a vacuum. Caleb, a grade seven student helped her. All the bees went into a bucket. After she was all done she came to our room with the wasps and talked about them a little bit. They will freeze the wasps and they are going to help people with allergies by using their venom to make anti-venom.

Madison 4S

4V and 1M at the Terry Fox Run - September 28, 2011

French Vocabulary Quiz Next Week

Both grade four classes will be quizzed next week on the French greetings vocabulary we have been working on over the past few weeks. The video below is helpful for review.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Books of the Bible

Grade 5 offered to teach grade 4 an easy way to learn the books of the Bible.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

60 Minutes a Day

How much physical activity do children and youth need?

Children aged 5-11 and youth aged 12-17 should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity daily. But more is even better!

What is moderate to vigorous aerobic activity?

On a scale of 0 to 10 (with 0 being completely at rest and 10 being absolute maximum effort), moderate-intensity aerobic activity is a 5 or 6. Kids will breathe harder and their hearts will beat faster. They should be able to talk, but not sing. Examples of moderate physical activity include walking quickly, skating, bike riding, and skateboarding.

To make the most of their physical activity, try to include...

  • vigorous-intensity activities at least three days per week

  • activities that strengthen muscle and bone at least three days per week (walking, running and jumping rope)

Ideas to get moving...

  • replace computer and TV time with something active

  • encourage students to join a school activity or team

  • learn which sports and activities they enjoy and find lessons or clubs

  • take kids to the playground or to the park to play

  • have them rake the leaves, shovel snow or carry the groceries

  • encourage them to dance to their favourite music

Health benefits include...

  • improved fitness

  • stronger bones and healthier muscles

  • better posture and balance

  • a stronger heart

  • healthy growth and development

  • increased concentration

  • better academic scores

  • improved self-esteem

  • lower stress

  • opportunities for socializing

Sunday, September 11, 2011

French Starts This Week

Here is a great video to help reinforce what we are working on in French right now. While we won't be learning all of the greetings that are introduced, this video is very helpful!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome Back!

Grade four is shaping up to be a fantastic year! Lots of new experiences, a new campus, new teachers, new routines, and new subjects - but don't worry, you'll settle in before you know it! The staff at the middle campus are eagerly awaiting your arrival, and are looking forward to getting to know you. Please feel welcome here, because you ARE!