Sunday, September 30, 2012

Field Trip This Week!

The grade fours will be visiting the Coquitlam Watershed on Tuesday and Wednesday.  The weather forecast is looking pretty good right now, but as we know, that could change!  4S, along with part of 4V will be going on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, the rest of 4V will join 4D for the day.  Students are asked to prepare for the field trip in the following ways:

1 - Dress for a day outside.  We will be heading into the forest which includes some steep terrain.  Temperatures will be cooler, so students are advised to wear layers and sturdy footwear.
2 - Pack a litterless lunch.  If that is not possible, students will be required to take any garbage home again.
3 - Arrive at school on time.  They are sending a bus to come to the school to pick us up right after attendance is taken.  We will be returning at approximately 2:30pm.

  Students are allowed to bring personal cameras, but are asked to leave any other personal electronics at home.  This includes phones and game consoles.

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